That is so cheap, the game is ok in my opinion, I'm gonna get it just because it is only $7.50 today.
the game's great but the port=fail, my high end rig cant max it without lag, which is a fucking joke
gtx 260 core 216
phenom 9950 BE
3 gigs ddr2 800
There's a reason it's $7.50 geiz.
You can buy pay $20 for GTA IV and get 4x times the awesomeness*.
*[color=#ffffff]and 1/2 the frames.[/color]
Saints row 2 was a massive let down for me, was just cheap looking and lacked the gameplay of its rival GTA4
That isn't high end. :\
My microwave has more RAM.
4th best gaming gpu in the world isnt high end? q6600 isnt high end?
Don't know where you've been getting your info from, the HD4870 is better than GTX 260 core 216:
no, the 4890 is better than the gtx 260 core 216, tomshardware is bent towards intel and ati, look it up. AND, 3dmark = fucking bullshit, its the gayums that matter. in crysis gtx 260 core 216 slams the hell out of the 4870, in almost 100% of other games it wins too. the gtx 260<4870, gtx 260 216>4870 gtx 260 core 216<4890 gtx 275>4890 gtx 285=champion until 5870 came out