Safe Original Xbox Emulator?

I am looking for an xbox emulator, because my cat destroyed mine. I am looking at one that is safe to use, not having a virus on it. If you know of one or multiples, please let me know here. It should be one that works with windows, as that is what I am used to. Thanks!

Wow, your cat must have some serious tech skills.

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Well it was sitting on top of my dresser, and my girlfriends cat doesn’t get along with mine. So she chased mine up onto the dresser knocking the xbox off. The chasis is trashed and I dont get video or audio signals anymore.

Yeah, I get what you mean. It was more of a “grammar nazi joke”. :wink:

Can’t really help on the topic though. Sorry.

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The xbox emulation scene is still crap. There is no good emulator for commercial games.

If you’re good with a soldering iron, there’s a chance you might be able to fix it. If you’re lucky, it’s just a loose internal connector, but that won’t fix the chassis either way. Bummer :frowning:


Well, you could just get an Xbox from the Xbox One Family, IIRC they are bringing Xbox original games to the Xbox One

Get an old Xbox and soft mod it.

we will have seen the most progress with xbox360 emulation not much progress with the original xbox emulation has been had. i think we will see ps3 and ps4 emulation before we see the first gen xbox emulation fully working. the xbox one and its derivatives might even get an emulator before the first gen.

I have decided I am going to go this course. I already had a softmodded xbox with a 250gb hdd. But the hdd broke when the xbox took the tumble. So I will have to get all the necessary stuff. Which will probably be about 130 dollars in total.