SaberTooth X79 Power Error

Hey Logan and whoever else is out there

i have an ocz 650 watt psu with my sabertooth x79 3930k and a gtx 680....

the problem im having now is the +3.3 in the ai suite software keeps warning me that it is dropping below the needed voltage. is there anything i can do about this: should i trust the reading from the software, do i need a bigger power supply or should i just ignore the warnings


any help is apprecatied <3 

Which OCZ PSU is it, specifically? I don't remember seeing the ZT having problems with an extremely high ripple, or load line regulation on the 3.3V. In fact, I think it was stunningly great for the price...

my bad its a 700 watt

OCZ ModXStream Pro 700W Modular High Performance Power Supply