S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of Prypiat

So there is a new STALKER sequel coming our way; Call of Prypiat.

The game takes place after the events of Shadow of Chernobyl and only take in consideration the last ending.

Here are some of the features and a bit about the story.


After Strelok destroys "C-Consciousness" in the original game (the developers ignore the alternative endings), a government expedition has set out into the Zone.

However, something went wrong, and the expedition vanished without a trace. In order to investigate the causes of this catastrophe, a Ukrainian security service agent is sent. Whom we, obviously, will have to play as.

* Three outdoor maps and two underground... but the outdoor maps are four times bigger than in SoC, and remade with a metric ton of new location, assets and stuff. They compare them to what you see in Gothic.

* Prypiat SEVERAL TIMES LARGER. Eastern part rebuilt with 100% accuracy, and 100% explorable. The area around the city is also better reproduced, with an abandoned factory and a village being the main attractions. The city is now North of the NPP, like in reality.

* Secondary tasks NOT random generated - 70 missions, carefully designed. No more "kill five boars" crap.

* Play the main mission in which order you like, no linear ending.

* A-Life reworked to be as human/monstrous as possible

* No more faction wars

* Duty and Freedom - few survivied the events of SoC, now they work together

* Sleeping!

* Two new monsters, featured in the original prototypes, introduced at the request of the community

* Blowouts modify the world, kinda similar to OL

* After the blowout warning is given, all the stalkers rush to the safe location. Not all them are friendly though...

* "Boosters" to temporarily improve your statistic

* Minor improvements over Clear Sky tech, much better performance(50fps at 1920*1200). Proper beta-testing promised, thanks to the new company they hired and less tech experimentation than in CS

Personally I can't wait! The map will be pretty damn huge, there will be performances increases compared to Clear Sky and a few damn nice features. The STALKER series is one of my favorites because of it's open world, non-linear gameplay and it's post-apocalyptic feeling. Hope this will meet my expectations.

SOURCE: http://forums.gametrailers.com/thread/first-stalker--call-of-pripyat/795110?page=1


I guess they felt Clear sky was too much off a disgrace.

they better make the game engine better. i mean really? the most horrible engine i have ever seen

I hope it doesn't suck as much as Clear Sky. I could only play that a couple of days before I stopped.

couple days?

i played it a hour before i said HUGE pos

if i didnt buy it on steam i would have throw it out the window

Clear Sky was great, and is even greater now with all the patches...the engine wasn't quite optimized...had amazing visuals tho.

They say in that article that they really optimized it and that now it runs really good.

urbanshaft wrote 1 minute ago »

couple days?

i played it a hour before i said HUGE pos

if i didnt buy it on steam i would have throw it out the window

burn it on a disk and put it in a dvd box and make a cover and throw it out the window

thats what i do with all my Digital distribution games if they are POS

coughcod5 cough

makes me feel better about myslef

oh and what does it say about crysis?

is there info on crysis2 in there?

ill probably buy it. still havent beaten clearsky.. or the original for that matter...

Haha, beat the original at least since this is a sequel..try to get the "good" ending as well since it'll follow this one.

@urbandshaft...no crysis 2 info ;[

Clear Sky ran worst than Crysis for me.

On the highest settings, Crysis gave me 30+fps, with Clear Sky 20...

eff that, I hope this one succeeds.

Yeah the sun shafts were what really killed it for me...god damned performance killer.

stalker benchmark i get 50+fps

the lightning looks hella awesome

crysis+stalker weather+cryostasis pyshx=the crysis2 i want with better ai

Yeah the weather was sick...


Pamplemousse wrote 9 minutes ago »

Haha, beat the original at least since this is a sequel..try to get the "good" ending as well since it'll follow this one.

@urbandshaft...no crysis 2 info ;[

im working on the original, i just dont have much time for gaming. in 3 weeks i get off for summer so ill probably have more time.

really? for me those god rays didn't kill my performance
and i remember how nice the shadows looked especially when i installed vista so i can use dx10.1 on my 4870 they looked ever nicer
its a great game if u are willing to overlook all the bugs ( most of them were avoidable if you are smart about it )

Ya well I'm still on a 8800GT...so yeah I use mods and modified .INI files to get a better performance/graphics quality ratio

ROAR i want this game so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys there's a new official trailer out, check it out.

Sweet, didn't know. Thanks!