Hello there…
The distribution issues in 2020 lead my to get my Asus X570-E Motherboard several months before the CPU (wishful thinking) and I had been using a 3100 to get me by until the 5600X arrived which happened yesterday. I had been running several Linux VMs for my Uni course materials which has lead me to to get this error when upon booting the VM.
rch_sched self-detected stall on CPU
o0-…!:(1 GPs behind)
Any advice/help to get this VM working again?
how in the heck did you manage to get an 5600x, all i can find are scalper prices. should have pre ordered when but, no i had to wait for reviews. would have been better than a 1600af anyways
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So the important information is what distro, what kernel, and is the OS up to date? More than likely, your kernel is old and you are not running the latest linux-fireware and your bios is too old.
that’s true, i’ve been enjoying Xanmod on LTS *buntu based distros and it bumps the kernel up a several versions.
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Okay so this is where I’m a little bit shafted by my University.
We’re using HyperLedger Composer Playground which runs on Ubuntu 14.04.6… so in answer no…it’s not updated but only using the distro for this specific app so don’t have much choice. I assumed the jump from these CPUS would have been fine due to it running on my i7 8750H just fine.
So that’s my really crappy work around and it’s only temporary now so I’m going to leave this thread as closed and just use Synergy between my laptop and desktop!
I did make this post in some frustration of deadlines and not being able to work purely on my desktop alas!
it is what it is.
Thank you both for your help though!! I really appreciate it.
ps! I managed to get in on the first pre-order batch on overclockers!! Only waited 2 months for it haha. I can thoroughly recommend it! Although had BIOS teething issues (Don’t trust Asus EZ Update) and now got a little OC on it running at 4.4Ghz and loving life!