Hey guys, I briefly scoured the internet and have not yet come up with a way to set a power limit on a Ryzen 5000 CPU (5950X) with software, in Linux.
The closest thing I found was zenpower, which claims to be a replacement for monitoring CPU stuff (power, frequency, temps, voltages) but not changing any of those things, so I haven’t bothered with it.
If anyone has a solution, please let me know?
I find it rather insane that AMD hasn’t released a Linux utility for doing this. Afterall
Linux makes it very easy to do this sort of thing
Linux likely has more developers who would improve it
Linux users are more likely to tinker with their systems.
The best way to tackle hardware tweaking is always the BIOS. Softwares can be screwy at times and conflict with the motherboard settings if the communication between the OS and the BIOS is not on point.
Even if it’s a tedious process bouncing back and forth between the OS and the BIOS, it’s the best way to tweak your system.
@MetalizeYourBrain thanks bud. I hear you, and I’m no stranger to BIOS tweaking.
But my use-case involves changing gears in software automatically, which isn’t possible with BIOS settings. I’d like to automatically change power limits etc based on a script that runs without manual interaction.
Wouldn’t make sense for you turn up your machine as high as possible and use governors to change the machine’s behaviour depending on the task you’re gonna perform?
For example you could use powersave for day to day usage and performance for a long complex task. I’m not a desktop Linux user but I do remember governors working pretty well and surely there are some specific for AMD CPUs.
The key with undervolting is a load that is low and widely distributed across cores. If you can remain stable on that for 24+ hours, it’s 75% stable. Remember to limit your max clock override and not to go to +200mhz right away. Effective frequency is what you want to cap your max override to, and typically that’s around the +50-75mhz range.