Hi There:
Over the last year or so I’ve been struggling with an intermittent issue with my Ryzen system. The system will be be running (fan spin etc) but there will be no display or flash or the LED for disk IO. This usually happens when resuming from sleep or upon submitting login credentials in both Windows 10 (20H2 and older) and Fedora 33 & 34. Usually I can simply force power down the system and start it again, and then I won’t see the issue happen again potentially for days across multiple sleeps and reboots. However, sometimes I am forced to remove AC power and press power to discharge, though this is an even rarer occurrence. However, after changing a few basic BIOS RGB settings and rebooting, my system was stuck in this state. Doing the above has my with a “working” system again.
PC Specs
- Ryzen 2600 (no OC)
- Corsair Vengeance LPX 3200
- Asus b450-i (installed latest BIOS a few times with fresh download)
- RX 580 8GB
- Fedora 34 5.11.21-300.fc34.x86_64 (also various kernels on 33)
- Windows 10
Thanks in advance
You’ve got to find the point of failure in your configuration.
: List of New and Used components
: Individual test with components in different (functioning computer)
: You’ve not listed the power supply (new/used/refurbished)
: RX580 is not super power hungry, but can at times mess with power supply’s
ability to function as witnessed by mac users on nehalem/westmere platform
They’ve resorted to converging essentially what is 2 Eight pin PCIE connectors down
into a single connector. (Those macs come with highly regarded psu’s)
: What is your ACPI setting? USB powered when off? S4 or S5?
: I went from Fedora 31 to 34 and power settings were touch and go on 31, but 34 seems
to working fine [no screensaver, suspend after 40 minutes with screen lock].
: Lastly, do not enable xmp/docp and let it run at stock [with PBO on and off) and test stability.
Good Luck.
- All components were purchased new
- System has passed several memtests in both DOCP and default across several UEFI versions from stock to latest 2021
- Corsair SF600
- Haven’t touched ACPI
- What should I look at RE USB? I believe a few ports are live when powered off.
My issue appears to be independent of OS as i’ve experienced the issue with Windows 10, Fedora 33, 34, as well as rebooting from UEFI/BIOS.
I believe my issue is around power management/sleep state, but I am unsure how to proceed?
Using display port or HDMI?
Issues on both. One monitor runs off DP, other HDMI. Have also tried other ports/cable setups. Judging by the fact it happened when rebooting from UEFI the other day, and I had to remove and discharge power (this isn’t always the case when this happens, usually I can just force powerdown & start PC again), I am leaning towards not a display issue.
Have you tried a different PSU for testing purposes?
Unfortunately I do not have another PSU.
might help … might not … but maybe increase RAM voltage from it’s 1.35v to 1.36v and see if does anything for yuh.
And of course make sure they are installed in slots A2/B2 if running only 2 sticks.
alternatively … if running 4 sticks … try running 2 for a bit for testing purposes … or if running 2 , try running 1 in the A2 slot for a bit for testing purposes.
It might sound silly but make sure nothing is preventing any of the GPU fans from spinning. I had an absolute nightmare where they were spinning 100%, coming on sometimes but not others, and I had an RX570. Ended up just being a sata cable holding a fan. I felt really dumb.