Ryzen 3rd gen really warm?

I’ve actually tested 3 different coolers and re-mounted 7 different times all, with similar results. I doubt it’s the mounting at this point, but it seems Ryzen 3 just runs hot. Weird that not many tech tubers have addressed this aside from the voltage issue.

But it’s not just a voltage issue, it’s likely a cooler design issue along with the chiplet design

They usually go for performance above all else, and the performance is there.

Hard to say without hooking a scope to it and tracking voltage for a few hours through various loads.
I suspect it has to do with the way the CPU responds to load conditions and how the sensors are presented to software.

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C = (F - 32) * 5/9
F = (C * 9/5 + 32

Not that hard to do.


I am lazy and just pick one and stick with it.

Since this is pc stuff just pick metric and call it a day.


Guys, really, you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.

That’s how my mind works, I compartmentalize ambient temps to F and PC temps to C. Just how I am. Weird, I know, I also play with an inverted camera. Sue me.

Everyone is weird, everyone is different.


same. it does give me a good mental approximation of c <-> f, but specifics, not so much

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Ryzen 3rd Gen is based on 7nm which means it will run hotter. When you shrink a cpu it tends to run hotter than the previous generation of a larger size.