RX Vega Linux Users (Manjaro Architect Alternative)

Trying to install latest Manjaro iso from Manjaro.org results in hanging at TLP system startup/shutdown for Vega users. Requiring at least Kernel 4.15 (upto kernel 4.15.4-2 at the time of this thread)

To bypass this error it’s possible to use manjaro architect (though the official tutorial is outdated, 2018 Edition needed)

Instead it’s also possible getting a testing version of the iso (With Kernel 4.15 included) Direct download links beneath: (First of all many thanks to @Lolix from the manjaro forums!!)


(Direct download links)

XFCE: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lolix-remix-of-manjaro/files/ISO/OnDemand/manjaro-xfce_17.1.2_testing_linux415/manjaro-xfce-17.1.2-testing-x86_64.iso/download

GNOME: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lolix-remix-of-manjaro/files/ISO/OnDemand/manjaro-gnome_17.1.4_testing_linux415/manjaro-gnome-17.1.4-testing-x86_64.iso/download

Deepin: https://sourceforge.net/projects/lolix-remix-of-manjaro/files/ISO/OnDemand/manjaro-deepin_17.1.4_testing_linux415/manjaro-deepin-17.1.4-testing-x86_64.iso/download

Disabling Testing branch (Reverting to stable from testing)
sudo pacman-mirrors --b stable --fasttrack [number]

Enabling, Testing branch:
sudo pacman-mirrors --branch testing

More information: https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Access_the_Testing_Repositories

Also, if anyone out there would kindly make a updated tutorial version (2018 Edition) of Manjaro Architect Installation. That would be awesome, for those that do not want to use any of the alternatives mentioned.

(PPS: Any admins want to remove my threads/posts at least have the decency to pm me first)


Not that I have a stable system now (far from it) but architect isn’t that terrible I think.
I used some youtube videos and just googled the settings that I did not understand.

Manjaro Architect should at least haven been pre-configured enough so that it’ll work with the default options. My tries, were to no avail, at least it got auto partioning (Which saves some hassle)

I need to get/check/optimize/read enough that i need a working system. I prefer using most possible time on those things, not messing with whatever installer. Not interested in knowing those things, need a Desktop, not a course.

Which is why i made the thread, it’s also for future reference plus anyone out there having the same problem. Which is also why it would be awesome for someone to make a 2018 desktop/laptop guide, instead of counting on users to make it on their own.

Translated both Manjaro & Solus Base System’s including Solus Steam Integration tool among among other things. Point being, If everyone using linux gave some back to the linux community, whatever it is. Things might been easier.

That’s also what communites are for, not just upload cat pictures and talk about how awesome kek lords they are.

Then Architect is just not for you.

Don’t get me wrong, I am also waiting for the installer to come with 4.15 right out the box. I share your pain. :wink: But really, this tutorial is completely fine.

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If the crap that it is (right now) gets updated i may use it

Soak your likes elsewhere, this thread is about alternatives.

I managed to use it and I am not that clever.

No, this thread is about you thinking you deserve better.

So, glhf.

You’ve got a problem, want to make it personal? pm me about it. But no, you would rather get others in on your useless posts, as you always do. (Thinking this is your personal forum, which it is not)

Over 50% of everything you’ve ever posted on this forum is about getting likes, maybe 5-10% of that is your actual opinion.

Now you’re even telling me what my own thread is about (Which is where you’re wrong AGAIN).

Every linux user, deserves better. Thats my actual opinion. Don’t say my opinion for me, i don’t at all need you for anything like that or otherwise.

I could care less how many mod friends u’ve got, go away. I would already have blocked you long time ago, had the mods giving the ability to do so, (like i asked for)

This is not about Manjaro Architect not being for ME.