which rx 560 is the best balancing overclockablilty and cost? I am looking at this xfx model for $144 but is it much better than the gigabyte and msi models? this one has a 6 pin connector, but the gigabyte model might have better cooling.
Just out of curiosity on my part, why are you looknig at 560’s? I would only use one of those in a host GPU sorta deal on linux and not for really much of anything else. 570’s and 580’s have dropped significantly in price to the point where I’m looking at getting another 580.
yeah this msi 580 might be a better deal? 229 vs 139 I think it might be worth it. since I am pairing it with a ryzen 7 2700x. I will be using manjaro et ubuntu
I thing less than double the cost for more than double the performance is worth it.
My advice in ANY situation is: Stay away from MSI and AMD combination. MSI have a long loooong history of bad AMD products.
You have Asrock, Asus and XFX RX580 8 gigs all in 10$ price difference to the MSI…
I agree, from first hand experience I have noticed this as well.
I have always had good luck with XFX products personally. I also have the VisionTek 570 for my main Linux system and it’s been working flawlessly for the last 6-8 months.
just recently picked up a pair of rx580 red devils for 239 with free 120 gig sata ssd’s from micro center the other day