Running two computers out of one CPU

My cousin's going to stay with me for a whole month and my laptop broke - I only have one desktop PC right now with two monitors and an extra keyboard and mouse. How do I run it as if it were two separate computers? I tried running SoftXpand, but it didn't work twice. Help me out you guys, I really want to play computer games with my cousin. :)

Sorry if I have to put this in Build a PC, majority of members here on Teksyndicate are usually more active in this part of the forum.

fix your laptop, What you want really cant be achieved.

best you can do is get controllers and play 2 player games off of emulators like dolphin and project 64

Can't be done with Windows, it is a single user OS. It could be done with Linux, (Unix-like operating systems have always been multi-user ). Steam games wouldn't work though, can't have DRM.