Running for Office, Any Advice?

Wendell, I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Because I don't feel like my people and I are going about change in the most effective way- I've decided to do it myself. I know I can win the Nov. election as commissioner in my city, and that could be a good start to get one of us at the table.

Here is my campaign as of now: I'm not a politician, just a normal person who will represent the interest of the people. I'm honest, with good morals.

Play devils advocate. Tell me why Im right. Why Im wrong. And anything else you would care to elaborate on.

Thank you for your input



Don't lie.  Don't pander.  Don't manipulate.  Be honest in your beliefs and convictions.  If someone isn't willing to vote for you based on those beliefs and convictions, then let that vote go.  Don't get me wrong, you can ingage that person in a discussion in order to educate them on the your point of view (or to have them educate you on their's), just don't try and manipulate them into believing that your views and theirs line up if they don't.  

If you do these things, you'll likely lose lol.  Your opponent will probably be out kissing babies and making whatever promises he needs to in order to secure votes...  or he will pick an issue that appeals to the political base in your area and go all in on that issue.  But who knows.  Maybe you'll connect with enough people to put you over the top.  Then you'll have to deal with some of the worst people on Earth... career politicians (though, to be honest, it's usually not AS bad on a local level.  Just some busy bodies, a couple people who took boring jobs that no one else wanted, and then a few true politicians who are just in it for the power, prestige and money... what little of it there likely is on the local level).  They're essentially used car salesmen with actual power.

Have fun!  ; ) 

And have someone with a lot of money funding you (preferably someone with political clout)

If I were a voter in your city, something that you could do that would win my vote is be open. Be as open as is reasonably possible. Don't hide things to "pull a fast one" in office, should you win. 

Walk up to the podium and just say: "My fellow Americans," and "Let me be clear" a whole bunch. That gets 'em every time. 

Here's my advice: take all the money you are planning to spend on your campaign and donate it to open source crypto projects like Tor, OTR, GnuPG, OpenSSL, etc.

If all the money that was spent on political campaigns was instead donated to open source crypto projects, I posit that all the world's spy agencies would be irrelevant in five to ten years.

Watch House of Cards, that guy has shit figured out.



I bet there is a version of this out there with him jacking something off. lol

Rule 34.

oooh god


You make sense. Thanks for your opinion!

Oh yeah.  I make lots of sense.  Too bad I can't spell engage though lol.