on linux you should be able to just do this
dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdX status=progress
if that doesnt work than just send USR1 with kill
kill -s USR1 PID
on linux you should be able to just do this
dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdX status=progress
if that doesnt work than just send USR1 with kill
kill -s USR1 PID
Identify your USB drive with
diskutil list
Unmount this USB drive with
diskutil unmountDisk diskX
Copy the ISO on the usb drive with
sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/rdiskX bs=1m
And finally eject the drive with
diskutil eject diskX
already solved yo
DD to device will work, just be aware you can quite easily and painfully shoot yourself in the foot with it if you aren’t careful (great power, great responsibility, etc. dd directly to block devices is kinda like using a circular saw with the guard removed, etc. it’s totally fine until one day you fuck up)
If you’re looking for something much easier and less dangerous, try “etcher”.
(aware OP has solved issue, but for others/future reference/etc.)
Cross platform, Windows, Mac, Linux…
@Dje4321 Right, I was referring to the general behavior of having SIGINFO there, not dd specifically; it’s nicer to be able to press a key combo than to have to read a man page to see how a particular utility responds to SIGUSR1 (does it reload a config, does it flush logs, does it crash…)
your good. is just something not many people know about
I love Etcher, but for some reason it couldn’t accurately burn ESXi to a usb, and I had to boot into windows to use rufus. I guess that’s because Rufus also creates a bootable area on the drive if it doesn’t exist, unlike Etcher.
I use Etcher, blocked from communicating back home. Seems to work when I am too lazy to use DD.
Looks like dd doesn’t work well for Windows ISOs
Unable to boot from them
Use bootcamp to create window install usbs. works wonders
That’s not how that works
Yes it is. Ive done it before
Just boot point the boot camp installer to your usb stick and give it your windows iso.
It doesn’t make the USB bootable.
edit- Well apparently BootCamp can be used in that way
I’ve only ever seen it done to install Windows, not create bootable installer USBs