RSI in your brain?

hey, i just watched the recent video by tech quickie on youtube about RSI.

what are your guys opinions on pain being "in your head" also have you two had issues with RSI in your past that effected your job and was there anything that helped?

its not really a tech thing but its something that could effect a lot of your viewers who are in the tech industry.

What is RSI? Is this the chip the churchies were telling me about?

i feel like im missing a joke here, Repetitive Strain Injury

That RFID chip implant.


After reading up on it I kinda understand it. Maybe this is why they have us stretch twice a day at work.


My first thought when I glanced at this post.

sorry i assumed most people knew about RSI

RSI is not realy something to fun arround about.

Its a serious injury, not only for the headaces, but also neck, wrists, shoulders and arms.

As I was born with fucked up perception and very poor body awareness in general, I can relate some. I did not realise this/was diagnosed until I was well over 20 years old. So no early training, yay.

I'm in my late thirties, and for about the last 5-7 years or so I've had some serious pain problems, most of them RSI. I've met several physical therapists over the years, and the most help I've got is form the ones specialized on my area. Mostly Basic body awareness therapy have been key. If you don't know that your muscles are really tense and you don't feel pain the proper way, you can very easily hurt yourself pretty badly.

Now, most people don't have the problems I have. I'm not a doctor, nor am I a physical therapist. I know a little bit about what works for me. I would recommend Basic body awareness therapy to anyone though. You think you have great body awareness? I bet you could learn a lot yet.

The tech quickie is a bit funny. He starts to work out lightly, then starts to do more heavy work outs, reads what looks like a BS book and gets better. Funny, eh? I would probably attribute the physical training more than that book.

But not to be said that psychological stress over long time can't give you physiological symptoms. 'cause it can, believe me.

I can't play PC games as much as I would like. My hands easily gets cold and I get terrible pain that way. I need to work out almost every day to keep the pain at bay. I've been stressed lately, my sleep suffers and of course my actual physical training gets erratic. Enter more pain! Where is my guide for my daily program...

Edit: Grammar/spelling

Yes! Pain IS in your head! And it gets there from all the nerves that are throughout your body which send signals to the brain to indicate that something is not right