
Looking for the most extensible home wifi router with parental controls. Pretty sure my current router is taking a massive poo. If the thing came with an API that I can play with, that would be amazing.

I think usually around here, people recommend the “cheap” one by TP-Link. It has many features, is reliable but doesn’t offer the newest crap which leads to issues.

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What kind of functions do you need?
Just restrict websites or also rate limiting and allowed times?

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I need to limit per device (MAC Address?) an auto time limit. White / black list functionality. On my current Netgear Nighthawk I can’t block an IP address - which is pretty lame. There is a massive scan that it registers as a DoS attack from a Microsoft IP address. I need to be able to auto block that IP address. I also don’t know what I don’t know.

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I’ve got an ASUS router with these kinds of controls but it’s not a cheap device.

Also the WiFi coverage seems to be pretty darn good but I do have my house cabled with Ethernet so only mobile devices need the WiFi connection.

I have a Asus RT-Ac3200 that has those controls and it was not cheap. You can setup guest networks and setup QoS. It was $200 when i got it 2 years ago.

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