Hey guys, i have a problem finding a suitable router for my home. We recently moved our receiving antenna to the top of 6 meter telescope, that is on top of our roof. Our home is like in the middle of nothing, so there is a danger of house burning down, when lightning strikes the antenna and burnes down entire networking infrastructure in the house and possibly the house itself. We have lightning rod on the roof aswell, but you cannot be ever sure.
So my father decided, it would be good to connect antenna to main router via optical, because it cannot transfer electricity, but i haven't been able to find any router solution to this. So far I've found only this: http://routerboard.com/RBGroove52HPn > some kind of switch with SFP cage (i currently own this specific one: http://routerboard.com/RB260GS) > main home switch with SFP cage.
But this seems to me little overcomplicated, does anyone know, if there exists something like this: http://routerboard.com/RBGroove52HPn but instead of RJ45 connector with SFP cage?
Thanks for any help.