We've had some trouble with our isp giving us faulty/shoddy modems, so today I went out and got a router, I mistakenly bought the wrong model number, and got an adsl router (asus n600 n55), Which plugs in via phone line and not though fibre, so we plugged the cable from our old routers modem slot, into the asus router, and it passes through the signal, however we can't configure any of the settings. apparently the subnet mask of the pc and router are different, but when I checked, they were the same. Any solutions? We can't really take the router back since we opened it, and I don't have hours to play around with everything tonight as I have exams tomorrow. Thanks for any advice :)
You sure you can't return it? most places will simply take it back, if not there would just be a restocking fee or something thats usually 20% of the price.