Router for small business

We are opening up a small business and are looking for a router. A friend of mine suggests to get a TZ105 or TZ205. I think it's a bit of an overkill for us being a start up, although he says it has a lot of preventative measures to avoid headaches later. The problem is, cost. I actually was able to find a used TZ100 a few years ago. I used it for home and was way more than what I need. I ended up with an Asus N66 and have been happy with it.


The software we are using needs a router with firewall. I'm assuming that most if not all routers have firewall correct? So I was thinking of getting another Asus AC66. Then once business picks up, upgrade to Sonicwall. I've checked out some Netgear ones but the reviews I've read are mixed. Any other suggestions?

Have you weighed the possibility of using an old PC with an upgraded NIC? You can do wonders with "old" hardware if you/your people are even slightly technical. Have you seen this:?

And the link for those who don't have a flash plugin

You could also use the same box as a VPN server, something that's quite crucial for businesses.

thanks, i've watched videos on pfsense and it's cool but i'm not too familiar with it or have time to get familiar with it. i don't want to experiment with this within a business environment. so i'm looking for something that's ready out of the box.

Well, for any proper solution to this problem you're going to have to run something you may not be familiar with. pfSense is a very good option.

Other options to consider is a device from WatchGuard or Norse. (However these tend to lean towards bigger businesses)

i don't mind trying out pfsense. what i'm concerned about is if i misconfigure or need to troubleshoot. the time it takes for me to get that fixed and business transactions will get affected. on top of that, the boss (wife) will be yapping about "i told you so" or "well you're the one that decided to do it this way" blah blah blah. i don't need that headache. i've been using the asus brand and i'm a familiar with the linksys interface. if i had to, i have a phone number to call for help. unlike with pfsense, i'll be jumping on the forums for help and result times can vary. i'll check out watchguard and norse, thanks.

Even if you get a Cisco, Untangle, or Barracuda small business router you will have to configure it.   It is just a fact of running a business network.

Honestly having dealt with a few other routers (and things like DD-WRT) pfsense is the easiest option. You could live your entire life without ever having to touch a command line with that

thanks for all the suggestions. we called a friend who is in the same business and asked what he was using. we went with the asus rt-ac87.

i will give pfsense a try once i find some hardware for it. i will try it at home first and get familiar with it. then once i'm comfortable with it, i'll switch out to it. i've been watching more videos and it has increased my curiosity.