I got this router DIR-615 hardware version C1 with non removable antennas which doesn't seem to exist on the internet. They were both ripped out and the holes I know secure teh antennas because they are held in on the PCB, but I need to replace them. I know other antennas only connect by a wire marked on the picture, but there is is a lane leading to the antenna securing place. Why? I'm assuming I can ignore it but why is there a lane there if it also connects with a wire.
I have a theory since the models with replaceable antennas connect at the place marked only, and this is simply another version of that, there are conections for both for saving on manufacturing. Could this be the case? link to pic https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByycBNIVqin8a2E0MXItUkFiN2M/edit?usp=drivesdk