Rosewill Blackhawk mid-tower with Corsair H100

Hello I am wanting to get the Rosewill Blackhawk mid-tower and I would like to know if the Corsair H100 or H100i will fit on the top in a push-pull config. Thanks!

I don't have an H100 or an H100i, but I have a blackhawk.
it'll fit a push config, or a push-pull with some modding. but personally- you don't really get that big of a jump inĀ performance with a push-pull. just grab some pressure optimized fans like the silverstone air penetrators or corsair SP120's and you'll do fine.

Just a heads up, the H100i outperforms the H100, and it is much cheaper.

And push-pull will bearly increase performance, probably only a few degreese cooler.