Ive recently gathered a hungering for some delicious roguelikes, to remind you what that is
"The roguelike is a sub-genre of role playing games, characterized by level randomization, permanant death, and turn-based movement."
This can be seen in games like FTL, Binding of Isaac, Sword of the stars: the pit. The obvious answer is generally FTL, I personally love Binding of Isaac, but id love to know what Roguelikes you love, preferably available through Steam or GOG. (Honorable mention goes out to Nethack)
You might like Super Amazing Wagon Adventure. It's great on XBLA and is also on Steam Greenlight right now
ADOM would be my favorite
stone soup is another my room mate likes.
nethack is fun, however i personally think ADOM blows it out of the water...
also, its not rly a roguelike, but dwarf fortress
Technically The Binding Of Isaac isnt as it isnt turn-based, but it has the rest of the stuff so im fine with it, thanks for the suggestions!