Anyone having issues with the Aquantia 10G Ethernet just cutting out but only in games and completely drooping from hardware list but on power down comes right back and works with no issues.
Check for an updated bios, there was a problem with certain aquantia PHY and updated firmware + updated drivers fixed it.
I am guessing you tried the other nic, and games were fine, is how you figured out something to do with the nic?
Currently on latest bios but idk if latest driver for the Aquantia AQC-107 10G asus site doesnt have a update driver for the nic. updating firmware for nic and got new driver will test with games and see if it happens again. Tested with other nic and found after power down the nic would show back up and work with no issues for the most part till I played overwatch and would it would fully drop like it had power loss or was disabled.
You could check for a newer driver at the Aquantia site.
At least i suppose they have a site, on which they have the newest drivers available.
Drivers on a motherboard manufacturers website are sometimes,
a few versions older.
Reinstalled the latest from Aquantia site testing now to see if it happens again.
Did it work out?
Seems to be working so far been testing for about and hour no issues had it happen twice before the new driver in about 30 min.
I have had issues with the aquantia nic in windows 10. Iperf test results dropped to 400mbit frequently. In linux it was consistently in the 980-990mbit range. I wouldnt be surprised if the windows driver asus had on their site was having issues.
I havent booted windows in a while and I cant remember the driver version it was on, but I can check later.
The one on Asus website is V2.1.18.0 updated to along with firmware update from Aquantia’s site. Played a bit of Overwatch tonight on it after trying what Wendell suggestion no issue as of yet. I usually get disconnects mid game after a few hours of playing and the weird part was it was always in a game and not issues with data transfer to server or any downloads.
It could be that game is doing some shady businesses outside of normal stack, bugged anticheat software for example.
Did you try some online game that doesn’t have any anticheat? Is it causing the same problem?
I don’t really play online much, but I often read about problems under Wine, when game needs kernel level access for anticheat.
it looks like its the nic on the motherboard overheating so I may need to used pcie based nic till I can send mb for RMA.
Could just be you need a fan or airflow
ill switch the case up its the fractal define 7 XL but I have set for being quiet ill switch to the top to vented and see what happens.
The Aquantia 10gbe nic is still overheating in games switching all fans to 100% full time and have vented top till I can get new noctua fans and may need switch coolers. ordered 4 140MM Noctuas that may help with more airflow have 3 120mm corsairs in front of case that don’t seem to be pushing enough air.
Did you overclocked it?
But seriously, you may have better luck if you put small radiator on it, if you have access to chip. Just don’t use glue
No its just normal only OC I have on system is ram 256GB at 3200mhz.
Looks like the chip is under the blob that covers the IO:
Might try turning up the fans for the VRMs, it looks like there is a heat pipe that runs to those fans from the aquanita chip’s area.
I have all fans at 100% now and 4 140mm fans otw for more airflow so will need a few more days of testing to see if can get by with more airflow or need RMA motherboard.
Got annoyed with it so put a pcie based 10GBe card into system for now.
Do you run windows in high performance mode?
Maybe it might also be some kind of a powersaving feature.
It was on Ryzen balanced just switched to Ryzen high performance mode to see if it happens again.