I don't think we can have the terms, 'afterthought', 'two years later' and 'good port' in one sentence. They could have at least released a mod SDK too let the community make it look less dated and be better than the console versions..
Just going to place this here.
Internet rage because of NOTHING
Read the first frigging line.
Last revised October 1, 2013
Also a lot of underbelly feelings and attention whores among them.
Nobody has been banned according to PC Gamer
On a personal note I think we as consumers can just stop buying DRM online only games. If I want to go to my camp and play games on my laptop with no internet I should be able to.
Wait, you can't play GTA V without an internet connection?
Well, there's another reason I'm not buying it then.
On top of the fact that I don't support violence games (sarcasm), the language (sarcasm)and the fact it'd take like a fortnight non-stop for it to download at my house (unfortunately not sarcasm).
its definitely a bad mood by Rockstar as modding will keep this game alive for years.
I was actually surprised with how quickly mods were released
And to make it better to all those cry babies read it and weep
In short. Rockstar does not ban Single Player. They even say the EULA is the same as with GTA 4 that seems a bit off since there is an October 2013 revision but that could be minor.
Last but not least GTA is hard to mod in the first place because it doesn't have proper mod hooking like for instance Skyrim has for a lot of things. This means everything literally gets hacked in and with each update it will most likely break.
This happened to all those haters you see and whine now since it was a ridiculously easy way to expose them. That they are harsh about modding in online mode I can only applaud. It's hard to see what a mod does so they just ban it all and I can live fine by that as 99% of those haters are griefers, cheaters or other kind of scum.
Its 65USD here in nz (100NZD basically) and NOWHERE ON STEAM DOES IT MENTION YOU NEED AN INTERNET CONNECTION 24/7 FOR SINGLEPLAYER. But hey I fully believe people when they say this is the case. Fuck you valve. Seriously, for petes sake. You need to mention shit like this...
And screw you rockstar, quiet a few AAA quality titles (not generic annual rehashes by crappy sweatshops) are going for 40USD nowadays, often less with pre-orders, and you are charging 62.5% more than that, presumably installing malware DRM crap on peoples computers, and then banning people who wan't to make your game playable. And this is for a game that is two years old...
I mean common this is just stupid... Screw them... Will be avoiding them in the future, and certainly not giving them my money.
You are making assumptions about development time and the amount of options available at your disposal for graphic settings.
Read this forum and read the response posts I made. https://forum.teksyndicate.com/t/gta-5-was-released-on-the-17th-of-september-2013/78119/30
@majormajormajor made this post last month. Which I felt was hugely inflammatory.
Read my responses when it comes to his posts and pirating in general. I got super pissed and pulled a crap ton of sources. No one responded sad face.
About the mods, relax people will get banned and unbanned as they come. Rockstar is actively trying to address the unreasonable bans. Field of view mod being the one that seems to not be turned off from the scripting view while online. Even if you yourself have turned it off. The way the game is designed has an unintended consequence of not being able to check while someone is in single player if they are some how online.
A lot of stuff is always online these days. Just look at steam in general. You don't notice it, because of how well it is maintained. Hardly any one objects to their DRM.
They don't have a right to our money, and I don't think I will be lining up to pay them to infect my computer with their unremovable DRM, especially when they will just invalidate my license anyway. Not to mention the game is overpriced even for a new game, and two years old.
I recomend people find a way to play it, which doesn't involve giving rockstar money. People can interpret this however they want, that is up to them, but I won't be giving them my money.
Great you are advocating for piracy or using gift cards from some other source. That's how I will interpret it. Don't like something? Don't buy it, and don't complain about it.
Interpret it how you will, but I recomend that people do not financially support publishers and studios who resent their community, treat them as an after thought, price gauge, then abuse their customers. I strongly disagree with supporting such practices!
And thanks for supporting my view about not paying to support practices you don't approve off.
That's the thing though. Rockstar doesn't hate their community. I mean look at this awesome blog post they just released.
The Forbes article goes into a detailed analysis about the Mod issue in general.
Yeah they are kind of closed off when it comes to understanding the online infrastructure like the how most console companies do, but they are far more active then some I could name. Like say Bethesda. Bethesda hates its own community.
It is just damage control, if they really did support the modding community they would have put out an SDK and given people an opton to play online with their friends using mods. As opposed to banning people. It's not just that, its the fact the entire PC community was an afterthought. And it had low priority. They clearly don't care.
Okay. How bout this. Explain to me WHY the PC community was an after thought. From the press that's been put out, the dev interviews, and preview coverage, I have read the opposite. The same people who worked on Max Payne put a ton of time into the PC, and Max Payne was really well optimized for the PC.
They were an afterthought because the game was only ever going to come out on consoles, it wasn't until all the backlash and media attention that they were forced (because they are a private company with shareholders) to start working on the PC version. Even then you can tell they only did it begrudgingly since it took ~2years and therefore was very low priority, i.e. handfull of people, get work done on it whenever you have time...
Do you have a source? I am busy looking into the dev time is on the PC release. Probably not public coverage on how long it was. I could probably tape together how much time roughly was spent based on what they have put out.
I posted this link before, but here is an interview with Rockstar to PC gamer.
*"The team working on the PC version of the game was a large percentage
of the original Grand Theft Auto team augmented by members of the
Rockstar studios that specialise in PC development. These were the
developers who had worked on the PC versions of GTA 4, Max Payne 3 and
LA Noire. Many of them are Rockstar veterans."
"Essentially, we pulled the right people from all the Rockstar studios
to create a global development team with the deepest base of knowledge
of both GTA and PC development. "
"We were always going to bring GTA 5 to PC. We planned from day 1 for a
PC build and we made technical decisions based off the fact that we
would be doing a PC version of the game."*
So basically started work on the PC version first, and then focused the bulk of their support toward the consoles. Pushing the consoles as far as they could go on their technical limitations.
Separate article Rockstar Toronto president essentially saying THEY DON'T PORT to consoles like they used to.
*"Rockstar Toronto president Kevin Hoare said the publisher has changed
how it develops PC games over the years; it no longer ports console
builds to PC, but keeps the PC in mind when developing every version. As
a side effect, this meant Rockstar had an easier time of it when
developing the new-gen versions."*
Total dev time I think 5 years, maybe longer?
With all due respect, pcgamer, and the studio themselves are no very reliable sources on how much they 'care about the pc gaming community'. I am fairly certain that GTA V was only officially announced after much outrage because they only mentioned consoles in association with it. I think they werent sure whether or not they were going to do it.
And then development off it started much later, that is why we have it 2 years after it was released on the consoles. Your going to have a hard time explaining how it took 2 years longer to release it on the PC if it wasn't an after-thought and had equal priority. The truth is that it was an after thought, and it was a really un-enthusiastic afterthought. If they really pushed it, they probably could have got it out the same year, but they didn't care.
And regarding dev cycle, its not 5 years with everyone working flat out, its probably not even 5 years (at least not such a well established studio, on an existing IP), more like 3-4, or in the case of regular franchises and even more so in the case of yearly rehashes, much, much less... And its not 3-4 years of gazillions of people working flat out. Its a bunch of people at first, penciling everything out, people working on the engines, the story lines and whatnot. Then they start scaling up, and everyone starts pouring in when all the work is Qued up.
In the case of GTAV all the storylines, and the assets, and everything, it was already done. Maybe they had a single person go through and touch some of the 3d models and textures up, but for the most part it was probably just a team of people working on the port, porting the engine and the game over. That is why we see mods coming out bassically day 1. They did jackshit...
There level of work, it is comparable to all the work CA did on optimizing AI on Rome Total War 2. A joke. They say they do all of this work, then the AI every time charges straight through a predetermined waypoint and kills itself in siege battles. This is the level of work they did, they just ported it across.. Maybe had a small team of people do a few improvements, that is it...
Actually development at least started in 2009 for the game engine. So that does confirm my guess on when development started. This is a leaked document that came out awhile back. Bug squashing for the PC started at least in 2012.
Use Ctrl+F or F3 and type in PC only issues.
So this would line up with how they had said, they started working on PC and then decided to focus more on consoles. To be fair, that's where the most sales will go and console sales have eclipsed PC sales. Plus Rockstar is a console dev to start with. They have contracts in place with Sony and MS to complete and get the game out on time.
I never said PC should be equal priority. They put their assets in one area and focused on that, did the best they could to make it better, then put money into PC development more so around 2012. What's so wrong with that? You can't split your teams and hope to come up with a good product without cutting corners, which is precisely what Rockstar wanted to avoid doing.