Rise of Tomb Raider - weird gpu clock drops when doing nothing in game

Hello. I am getting weird gpu clock drops in Rise of Tomb Raider.

It happen when i am doing nothing in game. Just standing in the same place by main character.
( without touching keyboard or mouse )

It spike every 30-40 minutes.

In this moment gpu clock drops from 1975mhz to 1275mhz, TDP drop and gpuz shows UTIL for one second in this moment.

Any ideas why?

I am on 368.69.

So its driver related, game or my card?

Gigabyte 1080 Xtreme, 6700K. Nothing overclocked.

I minimize fast game and check gpuz and look ( i added arrows ) :

Does it keep doing it when you are doing something in game?

No only when doing nothing in game. Why?

Because you are supposed to play the games, not just stare at them.

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Yes but why it dropping clocks,gpu load for a second? It shouldnt. Gpuz shows util.

More or less what @noenken siad. It is not to be worried about until it effects in game performance.

It could be some idle time out thing or attempts at power saving or any other number of reasons it happening when only still. Just play don't worry.

So its propably issue with game or windows ?
Or maybe hardware?

Like i said it happen every 40 minutes, then will spike. Downclock, gpu clock drop, gpu load drop, voltage drop, and temp drop.

But it comes right back after the drop for a second. Just idle blips to me. No ides why but if it is not actually causing problems then it is fine.

Probably a conflict between wanting to slowdown and idle but also having to keep the game running which would be why it only happens after periods of inactivity regularly spaced.

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During gameplay i had that spike in GTA V for a second. I dont know why. Clock speed dropped and gpuz shows util for one second. Is this something with my hardware?

Did you try using an activated copy of Windows? Maybe some Windows process in the background that wants to activate the OS kills the game for a split second making clocks go down.

Could be a driver issue maybe.
What are the gpu temps during the drop downs?

Hello. I have Gigabyte 1080 Xtreme. After
upgrade to Windows Anniversary i have weird problem with fps spikes in
GTA V and Rise of Tomb Raider.

In GTA V and Rise of Tomb Raider i am getting random fps dips for a
second. During fps dip there is core clock drop for example from 1975mhz
to 291mhz. During this moment there is GPU LOAD,Core clock and voltage
drop.GPUZ shows as reason UTIL.

Here is screen from Rise of Tomb Raider:


In previous Windows version ( 1511 ) i dont had that problem.

My pc:

6700K stock no OC

Corsair 750 RM

16gb ram

Is this something with my hardware?

Hmm okay so it might be an issue with the latest Anyvisary update from Windows10
What is the current ram ussage?

Not sure what would be causing it, but I had issues with this game as well. The first one ran awesome, but this one wasn't very optimized at all. I'd be staring at a wall in the game and the fps would be dropping constantly......If I remember correctly I had to fiddle with a bunch of settings to get an enjoyable play experience

Temps are fine. Cpu temps 55C. GPU 60C. So its not thermal reason.

It just spike and stutter fps, randomly for one second. Then fps goes down for a second. During this moment GPUZ show util. There is gpu core clock spike , gpu usage spike and tdp spike during this moment. It happened in GTA V one time, and in Tomb Raider 2 times.

Also i note that i have Anniversary Windows Update. This is the reason or not?

My drivers are 368.69.

Gonna put a shout for anyone who may have or know of a program that can track events overultiple programs or times to see if there is any correlation between the spokes and something esle going on in the system.

Hey. Updated to 373.06 newest drivers and so far no clock and no fps drops in GTA V.
Maybe i must test more but i think its ok now.

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