So... Riot are in talks with Verizon and AT&T, this will be just like how Netflix are paying ISP for better speeds. What do you guys think?
So... Riot are in talks with Verizon and AT&T, this will be just like how Netflix are paying ISP for better speeds. What do you guys think?
i love how they cant support a low ping on extremely low bandwidth..... like honestly
The sad part is to see how LoL players are supporting this idea without knowing the consequences. Players in Dota forums are also supporting the idea of fast lanes....
I would love Logan's view on this. I know you guys don't like MOBA but Riot's action is just going to make ISP even bolder IMO.
i cant believe the players are even supporting this they need to get educated
Who cares!? Let product differentiation also come to the internet. Why be scared? We are innovative we can deal with it. The sacred belief in competition will prevail right? Let a new disruptive form of communication make its way onto the playing field.
The majority couldn't care less, as long as they can reach their simple services than they are fine. Just like with tv channels. You can't wait for a provider to let you pick the four or five channels for a couple of bucks each and just let them send you those. Why not the same with websites? We only need Facebook for our social life, linkedin for our professional networking, and Reddit and Youtube for our shenanigans. What else? Universities can have their own package, Government can have their own package with built in backdoors for several bucks each month extra.
We are just the oddballs out. Load therearedozensofusdozens.gif.
personally as a bronze player i dont really care, but it is a poke at the pro-net neutrality group which i fully support.
I really hope Logan will talk about this, even if it doesn't reach out to the kids, at least it will reach out to more sensible teenagers to know why supporting it is bad in a sense.
Has any Net Neutrality group voiced out on this already?
Riot needs to get its head out of its ass and build servers in more than just the west coast. The solution is more servers in multiple locations across the US, and then pick the server to use during game load screen. This will still avoid this pay for access bullshit as well as let groups of easy coast players maintain that ping stability vs west coast players who obviously have better access simply because of latency.
They are not "building a network" unless they were to lay their own fiber and setup their own hubs and VPN for the game to use, which will not happen. Paying IPS is not "building their own network". Not unless they buy their own switches to have dedicated traffic that only uses those servers, which again falls into the paying for speed, which goes against the principle of net neutrality in the first place.
Riot just needs better servers and stop blaming it on ping latency in the US, which is a problem because the ISPs have basically just not upgraded infrastructure and gives a big FU to consumers.