Ring Fit Adventure Discussion

I picked up Ring Fit Adventure and have played it twice now. I’d like to try and keep it up several times a week to supplement and maybe offset some time at the gym.

If anyone else has it, tell us how it’s going? What difficulty are you using? What level are you? How do you feel?

I am on difficulty 24 and just finished world 2. I have to use quiet mode because I live in an old apartment building and the floors shake.

My legs were pretty sore after day one. Focused on arms today. We’ll see how I feel the next 2 days.

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Slacked just got to day two only did two mission on world two gonna see if I can do it again tomorrow after work. Bumped difficulty to 26 from 21. Didn’t notice much change. Also noticed se attacks are aoe not singular so pay attention to that.

I know the feel my dude. Go for a jog and you’ll be all good.

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Been doing it about every other day. Pockets of my back and legs get a little sore. Just random areas that I hadn’t been working before. Energy levels are better than just going to the gym. I tend to overdo it on the machines and exhaust myself.

I do feel that the arms need to be supplemented though. There’s only so much that squeezing that ring is going to do.


Gotta use the freeweights. Machines aren’t good for you, they cause you to miss those smaller supporting muscles.

Preacher dumbbell curls, Arnold press and skull crushers should cover it.

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I use the cables ones, not the rigid ones, but you’re right, I should use more free weights.

Ah, they’re better, but free weights are how you really build an all-around strong base.

Cables are good to hit areas that are limited by free weight motions (cable cross comes to mind)

I don’t want to drag this too far off topic tho. :grimacing: