Rig stolen, rebuild suggestions?

well last Sunday my appt was broken into and my gaming rig was stolen :<. my old rig was a 8350 setup w/ a 780.

For the gpu im going 980, but the question is what platform to go for. I got a 5820k for free a few weeks back and was wondering if upgrading to x99 would be worth it (considering that motherboard and ddr4 ram(450-500ish) would cost abit more than buying another 8350,mobo, and ram).

Im leaning towards x99 since the price difference is almost negligible, just have a bit of the cold feet.  would like to hear from anyone that has a 5820k or x99 platform, what are your thoughts? 

first off...

invest more money in your appartments security before making another large purchase :D


link for the flashless

HAHAHA! already moving to the next apt, better security with this one. 

Well I'd say buying a 980 would be dumb. 10 more FPS than a 970 for $250+ more. Buy two 970s or two 290s. 

As for X99. Idk it really depends on what you do with your PC. If you are just a gamer and don't do crazy productivity than X99 is silly and a waste of cash.  Plus, in game, it will be slower than say an i5 4690k because of the lower clock speeds. 

Personally, I'd sell the 5820k. Use that money to put towards an i5, and a 970. 

and thanks baz that video was informative and hilarious.


haha ,that was great

dude in the video was an edgy fuck lol. But the dude who had his computer was even more of a fag so I'll let him slide.

I'm with DerKrieger on just about every point he makes.  Although I chose to go with the i7-4790k cuz MicroCenter had it for $279.

I'd just get another 8350

At least he's smarter than me lol; basically drones

(but then again, i'm a simple electrician)

i suppose i could sell this 5820k and go either way. 


i did game mainly on 1440p because i had a 1440p monitor. they stole that also rofl. i just figured if im going 1440p+ i might as well go 980, but it seems like the difference is in fact only 10 fps, shit might as well go dual 970 then.




Build a sleeper. Find an old, ugly beige pile of shit lookin' case and build your new rig in that. Theft deterrent if this ever happens again.

^^ good idea - build your new rig in a crappy case (made out of cardboard or something) and put decoys around the apartment.

e.g crap machines in good cases


btw i am only kidding

So spending a little more than one card and dealing with SLI/Cross-Fire issues is not dumb? I have two 780ti and Far Cry 4 still doesn't work I get ghosting but turn off SLI and it runs, slow but no ghosting. 

Farcry 4 can take its nvidia/maxwell loving 'god rays' & broken sli / crossfire and f*ck off.