Rick and Morty season 3 preview!

If you didn't see this on reddit or twitter already, watch, also look out for the 9/11 scene, and watch it slowly

Also could we get rick and morty tags for post? I would think that having the full gambit of toonami and adult swim would be beneficial.

Mod edit: removed the link to the video, some people were complaining about it asking for a download. Someone has linked the clip below though. :slight_smile:


can you make that idk whatever it is ( probably somekind of linked video ) only a link ? It was trying to download a file on my computer when I opened the thread.


Flagged it for mod.

I'm guessing it is this, which is funny.

Oh shit, sorry

The search up vid.me rick and morty season 3 episode 1, you'll find it

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keep thinking of this

Yeah, that was awesome.

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thought that the community should be alerted of such a holy event

97 years Morty


I was so torn between this happening and the next Samurai Jack being cancelled that week. But it was a good surprise none the less.

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9 season's and 97 more years to find that Mcdonalds Mulan chicken nugget dipping sauce, MORTY!


Whhhaatt they canceled it already???? Noooooo

Wait, so is that why the time slots were all fucked up?

No just got moved to next week lol, not cancelled.

@omega_alpha_psi Yup

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S3E1: was so amazing!!! GAH! I was totally giddy at the end when they echo'd the pilot episode. :smiley:


Hate to be a hipster but God I hate that normies are all over this show now.

Other than that it was great. Wish we could have seen more of him in prison it really glossed over that quickly. Still as great as always though.

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Oh no, something that is well made and funny became a success, how unfortunate.


I'm glad they are getting success and completely deserve it.

It's hard to put into words but I feel this usually happens with adult swim shows. They get big and there's in insane amount of pressure to keep up the amazing story lines and jokes and back stories that they can't keep up with the masses that want it every episode.

Same thing has happened to s lot of adult swim shows, Eric Andre show, Tim and eric, netalocalypse. It's just a vicious cycle I guess.


Stop. Right there.

Things end.

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