I like more raw linux setups. Not like T2 SDE levels or anything, but Void Linux or Arch Linux. Something that isn’t really a product, more a blob of stuff you just kinda use.
At the moment I’m sitting here playing with XBPS-SRC after… I think like a 2 or 3 year hiatus from really using void linux seriously. I intend to have GPU passthrough going in void soon, and if I have to set up anything again I’d rather not have to bumble through it like I did today, granted, I got everything I needed set up pretty quick.
Not fast enough though.
How many of you use ricing scripts? I’d like to make a little utility, maybe with a ncurses interface (?), for setting up, not just void, but a good handful of linux OS’s. The only ones I really care about are void linux and arch linux, both on X86 and on PPC, but I’d include other distros too maybe.
Do you guys setup anything like this? And if so, do you use ncurses or just make whatever ascii thing and call it good? I don’t really want it to look like crap. I could easily just have it pop up a prompt and call that square but… bleh.
Not every user needs the same thing, especially in void. Maybe you want some repos, or custom repos, or you want a diff way to chroot for xbps, or you want src and nothing else for package setup.
Depends on the user.
Plus if something like this were included with linux distros in general as a startup app or first boot app it’d probably be more attractive to more users. I kinda wanna start working on apps that’d make linux more accessible to normal users. Its blatantly missing stuff ppl expect nowadays.
Also its a massive pain in my dick to open a bloody file editor when I could just have a checklist of what I want that I could just hit A B C D J and X and skip everything else, etc, rather than scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and oh my god why do I have to finish a script someone else started.
I’ve never installed Void, but I started to break out my working arch install script into modular conf files. I’d prefer to configure it like this (like a service) and just enter a password at the beginning of the script.
Full disclaimer, I just started working on this the other day, so it’s not ready for prime time at this point.
More power to you, but I think your efforts may be better put into something like (but not necessarily, there are others) puppet.
Standing up a machine is one thing, but configuration is generally not a one time thing (changes need to be staged and rolled out typically), and there already exist tools to do this. I mean rolling your own would be a learning exercise, but just be careful you aren’t reinventing the wheel “just because”.
I’m meaning like Void Linux has its SRC package build thing, and repos, plus stuff you just flat ass don’t have installed that most people would expect to be there like cmake, wget, or nano, or literally anthing else.
It’d be something to manage that crap on your behalf without having to fumble around. Esp if you’ve never used void before. You could apply this to similar distros like arch, or even to stuff like openbsd maybe.