Richard Stallman's Article on The Guardian - 'Malware is not only about viruses – companies preinstall it all the time'

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The 'modus operandi' of many of the big software-players has always been about 'controlling' (or manipulating) the consumer (marketing, and corporate avarice are one-and-the-same in our modern computing world)

I doubt people will ever give up convenience for their privacy.

It's nice to see him published in a pretty widely read publication like this. I think his article will largely fall on deaf ears though, outside of the tech community. My experience with non tech people is pretty much that. Nobody gives two shits about the NSA, about cyber security, about internet freedom, in general. Only a small subset of the population; being us.

Fuck if I know what, if anything, can be done about it. I suppose I can take solace in the fact that while the masses of antelope are blindly crossing the river and getting eaten by crocodiles, I'm all good crossing on the bridge I've built.

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Same here. When I share articles like this on social media, people either completely ignore them or try to call bullshit on me saying I either "make such a big deal out of everything" (I mean, it is a big deal), or "just don't use the internet if you're worried about your privacy" (just not using the internet is just not practical in this day and age) (this has happened to me before). Now I don't even try to let people know about stuff like this if they won't listen.

One day, something's going to happen where the information of everyone who uses Facebook gets compromised, or something like that, and I guarantee you someone's gonna ask me "Why didn't you tell me this was going on?"

My response is gonna me "Well, I fucking tried."


Did you see that John Oliver interview with Snowden? It's like that one part where he says, "Oh don't tell me this, I don't want to learn anything, you're like the IT guy that smells like canned soup." Paraphrasing a bit, but I think he summed up most people pretty well. Most people don't want to learn anything, and they just don't care. It's really fucking sad, and if so many people weren't that way, the world would be a lot different. Not to drag politics into this, but here's just one example of what I'm talking about.

Haven't gotten around to it yet. I've been meaning to.

But the video you linked is interesting.

I bet if we dumbed it down a bit and said something like "The NSA, and big companies like Facebook have your nude photos," people would actually pull their head out of their ass and pay attention.

It's really sad though. People need to know about stuff like this, but if you're gonna ignore it and pass me off as some tinfoil hat asshole, then fuck it, you'll just have to learn the hard way.