Hi guys,
Since im on vacation i came back to my hometown and found the firts pc i ever got 8 years ago, it was from a tech friend who sold it to me and it was already built , only thing missing was the GPU, and thats why im here, the GPU has died :S, the PC boots up alright but no video on screen, its a GTS 8800 320 mb nvdia card , now im stuck and cant even see the pc specs, i think it has an amd 3500 CPU, 4gb kingston RAM and the Mo/Bo is a dfi lanparty nf4, he are the specs https://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/DFI/LPNF4UD/
my question is , what GPU would you recommend to make the most out of this PC? i shouldnt spend too much or ill bottleneck the CPU, right? I think this PC has its years but it may still be put to good use, even for a bit of not demanding gaming. what do you think? in the meantime i will clean it up because the dust looks like black sheep wool xD
this is the card, i cant find the fault, i read some ppl put them in the oven to revive them
thanks in advance
Id say R7 250 as they are dirt level cheap for their performance.
I have an old EVGA 9800GTX+ thats in good working order. If you're interested we could make a deal possibly.
ok i have an uncle that lives in washington, but im from Chile so wed have to see how you can send it to him if you are willing to sell it, ill first try to send the card to a repair center and see whats up.
I'd go for a R7 250 that has GDDR5 memory as the GDDR3 version might slow the performance. The R7 260 might be better depending on the price.
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