Revive an old laptop with an SSD

Hi guys. First time here.

I have an old Asus U6V (Intel PM45) and I want to extend its life a bit more. I'm planning to buy an SSD to replace the old drive, but checking the specs I found it only supports up to Sata II.

Is there a way I can upgrade to Sata III with a miniPCIE controller?

Another thing I want to do is to get rid off the DVD unit to make it lighter.
Where can I find filler covers? Are all models compatible?

Thx in advance

I personally dont think its possible to upgrade from sata 2 to sata 3 theres too much limitations like motherboard support. Maybe check the mobo support information on google first?

I found a question similar to this on the HP forum :

If you do a clean install of your OS with your new SSD you should be fine, it'll be very quick anyway. And I have a 7 year old toshiba laptop that still works very well so upgrading to an SSD is a good idea to extend its life.

As long as I know, SATA III should be backwards compatible with SATA II but with the speed limitations of that conector. On the DVD drive side of things, I know there are some covers that even let you screw a notebook size HDD on it, so you can get a little more storage space.´

I cant help you on compatibility tho... But I belive that, as long as its not like a superslim drive or something like that, you should be fine.

Thx, I'll try with that.

Yea it's definitely worth it just go for a cheap SSD as you'll benefit from the great access times of the drives anyway. No more waiting for a motor to spin up.

Also in regards to upgrading the Sata interface pretty much just a no (could be physically possible if you had the right interface however I would expect your system simply wouldn't have a bus big enough for it to fit down)..

In Regard to your dvd drive you can actually buy a replacement that instead holds an extra 2.5 inch drive inside.

An example of one hope that helps.