Ok, so a few weeks ago I posted the first possible build for my first gaming PC. Since then I've decided to switch from the i5 3570k to the FX-8350, from a gtx 670 to a 7950, and a couple other things. Here's the build, what do you guys think? I'm not wanting to take the price up a whole lot from here (I still need an OS, more than likely 7 pro.) Are there any improvements I could make for cheap or any places I could cut corners that I wouldn't notice a huge performance hit? Also, is this power supply going to be complete overkill?
EDIT: Also forgot to mention I already have a case
The power supply is not massive overkill if you plan to do heavy upgrading in the future. 16gb of memory is useless for gaming, you would see no drop in performance if you used 8gb
Good to know about the power supply, I do plan on upgrading on this little by little the next few years. I will utilize the 16gb of memory, I'll be doing a lot of pretty resource intensive desktop virtualization. I'm hiting a wall on my laptop right now with 6gb, so I figure 16 and I'll be alright.
The Monitor is much better than the overpriced TN panel you had selected, Got you a bigger and faster SSD, and the Gigabyte 7950 is one of the coolest and Quietest 7950's (also overclock like crazy)
Edit: forgot to add, if you arent going to be writing Blu-Ray discs often, get rid of that drive and get a 7970 or more storage or something else.
Thanks for your response, I'll definitely be switching to the 127gb ssd, and I'm still on the edge about a blu ray drive. I have quite a few blu ray movies that i'll probably watch on it and i'll be writing a few discs but not many. I'll switch over to the gigabyte 7950 as opposed to the powercolor also, last I had checked the powercolor was cheaper and that was why I chose it. Also a question about the monitor; is 20,000:1 and 4 ms really that much of a hit over 50,000:1 with 2 ms? I've never really had a nice enough monitor to worry about the specs, still not sure what I'm looking for as far as that goes.