Review my build/RAM question

Hey everyone. I've been working on a build. I think it's pretty neat. I was trying to keep it around $700, but it ended up being a bit more than that. I think I can change a few less important/future upgradable things like the HDD to make it easier on the pocket. That link should work >.>

As far as my RAM question: Now I know that RAM has different speeds. Mr. Logan said that a change of 1600 to 2400 made a difference of around 10-15 fps I think. That's huge. So, is it more advisable to get 8 gigs of 2400 or 1866 rather than 16 gigs of 1600? I'm not sure. Also, are there sales on RAM? Because $80 for 8 gigs seems kind of steep to me.

Anyway, please review my build and tell me what you think. I'm thinking about getting a cheaper HDD for now, and getting a liquid CPU cooler, since the 8350 supposedly gets quite hot. Thanks for input, guys and gals! 

P.S. I was looking at the Thermaltake CLW0217 Water 2.0 Extreme. Thoughts?

Well, I just saw on pcpartpicker that there are 7870 GHz Editions for around the same price. They vary. What's the deal with that? Is one manufacturer better than the others?

If your cpu can support the speeds, I say go for it.

Look for deals like that one.

Good eye.

The performance increase he saw was with the APU, and that is because APUs share memory between the "integrated" graphics and main CPU, so fast RAM will help the GPU, seeing as modern GPUs are rated up to insane speeds with GDDR5.

Ah, right. So using standard DDR3 RAM on a non-integrated graphics CPU, more RAM at 1600 or less RAM at 2400?

1 games run in x86 (32bit) games can only use upto 3.7gbs of ram this is why 8gbs is the sweet spot for gameing rigs (4 for gameing + 4 for os)

2. 1333mhz up to 2000+ has little to no effect if your useing a dedicated video card (i have seen tests between 1333mhz and 2400mhz show 1/2 a fps in games (that shure isent worth it)

3 you only need more than 8 gbs if you do a lot of video work,use a lot of VM's that need dedicated ram,or you what to make a ram disc outherwise you are just wasting money on something you dont need or use that can be put in to better use elsewhere in your pc.

that board isn't good enough, seeing as you're going to overclocking a bit, that board has no heatsink on the vrms, and i've heard of them dieing on stock speeds (emphisis on heard, i haven't personally seen it), but get atleast a m5a97 r2 (NOT "LE")

Awesome. Thank cooperman.

Helpful tip. I was concerned about the mobo. I knew I wanted Asus for the bios and uefi or whatever for OC ease, but I wasn't sure of the particulars. I'll check that out.

The only thing worth mentioning about DDR3 2400 MHz RAM with the FX-8350 is it helps speed up video streaming programs while you are transcoding video while creating live video on your machine at the same time.