Restrict use of VPN for specific applications only


I use a software called Synergy (by Symless), its basically VNC for your mouse cursor.

You can have two computers running with their own monitors right next to each other, and you can scroll your mouse across from one monitor to the other.

Since I’m working from home, I have to connect to the VPN to access company resources.

I would like to use Synergy software so I can use one mouse/keyboard for both my work and personal computers, without the traffic going across company wires. Is there any way to say “hey synergy, you can use the home wifi, but NOT the VPN” ?

It is not so much for privacy as much as it is for performance. The performance definitely degrades after connecting to the VPN (I imagine its going from my home network to the company back to my home network, just to reach the second monitor).

Edit to add: both machines running windows 10