Hey guys, so I switched to linux and backed up my steam games using the steam backer upererer, how do I then restore the games?
I cannot find the directory that the external HDD is at, and I have no clue where to start to be honest.
Hey guys, so I switched to linux and backed up my steam games using the steam backer upererer, how do I then restore the games?
I cannot find the directory that the external HDD is at, and I have no clue where to start to be honest.
+1 like for using the correct incorrect terminology :D
If you used the steam backup tool, it places it where you choose. If you aren't sure just open up your file manager or terminal if you are CLI inclined and search the drive for the name of the game(s) you had backed up.
As a note Steam defaults to ~/.steam (hidden folder) the tilda slash means your home directory /home/user name/ . If you put it on another drive you will want to look for the hidden folder (.steam) on there. Different distros have different ways to view hidden folders.
The external will either be in /media or /mnt depending on distro
I'm using Ubuntu, so which would it be?
Have you mounted the drive by chance? If not, you will need to find what its name in /dev/ is. Usually secondary drives are in there as /dev/sdb --primary is usually sda (note the change from a to b). Note sdb is not a folder so once you figure out what it is, run
mkdir /media/external
mount /dev/sdb /media/external
This binds the drive to that folder so you can browse it. If the mount gives you issues you can specify its format type, for example
mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /media/external
well, I would assume as I can see the drive in the files folder that it is mounted, also the fact that when I right click on it it gives me an option to unmount, that probably means the drive is mounted. But maybe it isn't? In which case what should I do, and then how should I go about my business of getting some games up and going.
The Steam backup utility is tedious at best.
All you need to do is copy your game folders from the "SteamApps/common" directory on linux/mac/windows.
You can then direct Steam to any location(s) you decide to store your games with a quick "game cache integrity check".
Aaah, interesting, thanks, I will certainly keep that in mind for future reference.
It will be in /media/username/directory name
Double check on your file browser.