Wondering if you guys had any good resources for me to start learning C. I have knowledge in Java from school and thats about it.
Books, Videos, Website etc. Whatever you guys think is good.
Wondering if you guys had any good resources for me to start learning C. I have knowledge in Java from school and thats about it.
Books, Videos, Website etc. Whatever you guys think is good.
I would recommend the CS50 course of Harvard, untill it gets to the stuff you aren't interested in.
The book "The C Programming Language" is also really good.
Okay awesome. I'll give it a try this weekend. I'm taking a class on C currently, but I needed something to push me outside the classroom.
I recommend at least having an API doc on hand. When I was learning C for fun I used http://cplusplus.com. They document the functions available for C as well, e.g.: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/
For C - Kernighan/Ritchie.
For C++ - Stroustrup.
Lynda.com is a wonderful resource.
If you want to learn everything starting from the more basic things the Deitel & Deitel book has everything. You'll find the common mistakes wrote down for you every time the book goes through a new argument and there are a lot of useful example and exercises.
just ask me
The last link leads to a table of links for free programming books.
Learn Code the Hard Way teaches you how to learn on top of the programming aspect. TL;DR: Practice. Practice. Practice. And practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. So you gotta learn how to practice the right way. And I feel his series convey a good method for that.
I just enjoy the ASMR thing. There being a C programming one for it is pretty neat imo.
I'll check out everyone's references later today. I've been busy BUT I'm eager to learn.
I'd reiterate Learn C the Hard Way is a great place to start, especially for a beginner getting into programming. There's a good amount of hand-holding early on to get things set up.
If you already have some experience in programming, perhaps the original C book by Kernighan & Ritchie is a good way to go. It's naturally quite old and a little outdated, but the approach they take is excellent for getting you to think about implementing common Unix utility programs.