[RESOLVED] Trouble after 5700XT install

Hi, so I swapped my graphics card for a 5700XT and did a fresh install of Pop OS 19.10. The install went fine, but once I rebooted I was having easily repeatable issues.

Whenever I tried to maximise a program, everything would freeze. I could still move the cursor, but there was no other signs of life.

I also experience the issue with when pressing the “hamburger” menu button in Gnome apps. Fullscreening videos, etc.

Unfortunately I no longer have my old card to test with.
A Manjaro liveUSB has in 95% of cases failed to boot, the remaining times it crashes promptly after showing the desktop.

Windows is seemingly unaffected.

Any ideas? I’m a noob who has lost two days to this annoying issue

Kernel 5.5 and newer.

Just upgraded to 5.5, still experiencing the same issue, unfortunately

Ok so I tried to go more bleeding-edge in the hopes of resolving this. I did a Manjaro Architect install with kernel 5.7 and the open source AMD drivers.

First boot crashed after typing in my password, second boot worked for about a minute then crashed.

Starting to look like no matter what I use I’m still having the same problem. Could this be a hardware fault? Thing is, it seems to be working alright in my limited windows testing

Thats just odd. 5700XT’s have been verified working. I think wendell has been using one.

I have had a 5700XT since launch and since the 5.6 kernel was released (I use Arch btw) I have had a very stable experience with it. I would say faulty hardware is definitely a possibility. I will say that I would do extensive stress testing in Windows before being completely sure though. However it is possible you may want to try Installing manjaro normally with the latest kernel they have released as Arch is not even on 5.7 quite yet.

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It was definitely the card - I swapped it for a new 5700XT and the new one is working without issue on Manjaro

5.7 kernel was working fine until a couple of days ago when an update introduced a lot of stuttering, but going back to 5.6 has fixed that

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