[Resolved] Setting up an RSS reddit bot on my pi - Having Trouble

So I have a node.js script that parses RSS feeds and posts new articles to a subreddit. The problem is i'm inexperienced with node.js and I'm having trouble getting this script to run on an interval (every 5 mins).

My system is a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian in headless mode.

This is the script I'm using.

Sop far I've tried to use cron to start a shell script that initiates the js script every 5 mins. It doesn't work. (Probably because I just learned what all these things are yesterday morning.)

here's the cron config:

*/5 * * * * /home/pi/rss_bot/runrss.sh

Here's the .sh:

node /home/pi/rss_bot/rss_bot.js

I have changed perms of the runrss.sh using chmod +x runrss.sh hoping that would work, even set the cron using sudo crontab -e

Not finding a ton of info online and was hoping you guys could help me out. I doubt I'm even thinking along the right lines using cron. Bleh...


I assume you mean that the script works fine if you run it manually?

Edit: Also, try looking for error messages in /var/log/syslog. You can use "grep CRON /var/log/syslog".

Edit2: Oh wait, it should be "#! /bin/bash" at the start of the shell script.

Edit3: I think you can do it this way also to avoid the need of a shell script: At the top of the node.js script, use the line "#! /path/to/node", give it exec rights with chmod +x and set the path to the node.js script in the cron config.

I actually ended up doing that with some help from some peeps in a very nice IRC. I just did

* * * * * /path/to/node /path/to/file.js>>logfilethingIforget

now I need to set up something to manage the log file, but other than that it's working perfect. Ty anyways bro :)