Resolution question

im wondering how many pc gamer play at 900p resolution? i am one of the pc gamer still playing at 900p im wondering about that

but dont worry im going to go 1440p when my pc has gone to the point where i cant run games at all and that i have to upgrade(Built a new beast pc) witch will be a while ?

1080p All the way sorry to hear your still in the early 2000's, hopefully you catch up.

so you were running 900p in the early 2000s when everyone else was running 4:3 crt's


Totally my computer was beast!(Just exaggerating)  I think it was from either dell or gateway, but that got me interested in PC's to begin with.

900p is a pretty rare resolution these days.  Only laptops really use it and it gets funky with 2D games that don't have proper resolution scaling (ala Risk of Rain).  I've been running 1080p+ screens for almost 8 years now.

i guest for this generation i will be running games at the same resolution as the xbone one xD 

but with better graphic and mods

Mostly 1080p, but my laptop's rez is about 720 or something weird.
I have a lot of friends that play on their laptops or have old PC's that don't play at 1080p.

Usually Youtube, and other PC channels sorta skew how much disposable income PC gamers have.
Not everyone has a i7 and a GTX 780 and 32 GByts of ram.