Resident Evil - Darkside Chronicles

Resident Evil 2 remake AKA Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles for wii its looks promising i dont own a wii yet but am gonna bye my self new one heres is the fotage of the game tell me what u think of it...




Watch it in HD

Do you actually get to walk for yourself in this one, unlike in Umbrella Chronicles? If so it might stand a chance, I LOVED the old Resident Evil games but frankly the new ones are starting to suck, as far as the story line goes, it does not follow the old ones at all....

AWESOME!!!!!!, Resident Evil 2 remake, i might actually have to dust off the old Wii(hehe get it get it!) and play this one, i loved Resident Evil 2, pure amazatron.

its a rail shooter :[

thou its a rail shooter but am appreciating the fact that they made a remake for Resident Evil 2 original game and transformed it from old blocky pixles to Astonishing visuals Oh.. BTY their bringing the Resident Evil 0 to the wii no Rail shooter Original gameplay but with wii mote controller support


[img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img]





man i got to admit that the wii is by far one of the best consoles for this kind of games ever made. FORGET ABOUT THOSE HUGE ARCADE MACHINES XD BUY a WII instead