Requesting a guide for grabbing torrents with SickBeard

Firstly, I hope I have set foot in the correct section of the forum. Secondly, hello.

I've recently gotten into Linux via Ubuntu in order to have a local server storing family photos, using samba. This may seem like a piece of cake to some, if not most of you, but to me, it's still mostly Greek and hieroglyphs.

A friend of mine told me that I could use SickBeard to grab torrents and send them to a torrent client, leaving me with the task of simply getting the file once it's finished downloading. I've given it several tries, but I can't seem to find a guide either describing it to a knewb (too ελληνική) or being 'sufficiently' up to date.

I've absorbed the notion that SickBeard works best with usenet, but that's something I'd rather not get into at this point.

What I'm requesting is primarily a video guide by Dell, Wen. I've found that videos give the most insight. Secondarily a step-by-step guide with instructions understandable to someone with little experience. (Tertiarily) If someone would like to take a look at my own configurations, that would also be greatly appreciated, although probably less helpful to others who deal with the same struggle.

I'm hoping I've described the matter with sufficient detail, but should there be questions, I'll be sure to reply.



To be honest, if I were you, and I wanted to do a file server, FreeNAS. Or maybe Open Media Vault if you need Debian Linux. I think FreeNAS has a thing for torrents, and I can't imagine it doesn't do Samba. Plus with FreeNAS you get a pretty little webGUI and you can drink the ZFS Koolaid.

If you want to do a custom Linux server I'd use Debian, not Ubuntu server. In my experience, Debian has been much more stable, and I've learned more with Debian than Ubuntu. Let me know if you want some help, maybe we can connect on Steam or email and I can help you.

I tried this and gave up. It really is made for Usenet and it's torrent functionality is pretty crappy.

I've read your responses on mobile with cumbersome ways of replying.

I too have given up. I'm using TVShows on my macbook which is mostly turned on as well, solving the issue for me.

Thank you for your time and feedback!