Replacing the PSU Power Cord?

Hi all, 

I'm selling my old gaming rig to a friend and since it's been about a year since I used it i wanted to clean it and check if everything was okay. Turns out I must have misplaced the power cord that came with it when I moved into my new place a few months ago and I've been looking everywhere for it with no avail. I was wondering how I could go about getting it replaced, is any power cord okay or do they have to be certain voltages? The PSU is a generic one that comes with the Cooler Master Elite 350 case, its 500w. Thanks for the help!

Really any 3 pin power cable will work.  You can find them at a lot of stores or off other electronics.  Thicker ones are probably better, but for 500w I am going to guess it won't make much of a difference.


They're standardized so any standard 3-prong power cord should do.

You should be able to find these standard cables just about anywhere. Supermarkets, auto stores, hardware, electronic stores. Some kettles use the same cable btw.