Replacement for Gaming Laptop

Hey guys, trying to decide on a bit of a conundrum and was looking for some help.

I'm looking for a replacement for a gaming laptop, specifically an ASUS G50VT. But, what makes this complicated for me is that I'm not sure that I want to replace it with another gaming laptop.

Currently for about 90% of the things I do, I have a desktop for. My laptop, which I got about 5 years ago for university use, has been kind of downgraded to a secondary screen for social media, checking email, and general surfing when my desktop is busy.

Now it's been suggested to me that for just those purposes, I could probably replace it with a tablet of some kind, and save on having to buy a full on laptop. However for work I do a lot of video editing / rendering with the Adobe Creative Suite, and for the few times that I am away from home every couple of months it would be worth it to have something that could edit in cases of emergency when I don't have access to my desktop. Gaming would be nice but is something I could do without.

My budget caps at about $1500, though honestly the less I have to spend on a replacement the happier I would be, 1500 is just the absolute most I'd be willing to throw down unless I save some extra cash til after the new year.

The options I've thought of so far is either just sucking it up and buying a new laptop from ASUS, MSI or similar. Friend of mine also suggested getting a Surface Pro 3, though I don't have much experience with the Microsoft Tablets.

Sorry for the long explanations, any advice or help you guys have would be greatly appreciated. 

A second desktop   lol