Replacement Fans for H100i

I'm about to get a H100i for my 4770k and I heard that the included fans are kinda loud. This is unacceptable to me, so I was wondering what fans I should replace them with. They'll work in either push or pull (if I go with Noctuas, definately pull because otherise they'll be visible through the side window), but not both. What fans should I get?


If I go for something like NF-F12's in pull, would there be a performance decrease compared to push? I ask this because the F12's are optimised to direct air in a straight cylinder out, which I'm assuming would help cooling if it was pushing through the radiator. And also NF-F12 vs NF-P12, is the F12 louder?

Corsair AF quiet edition.

Surely I'd be going for the SP series if using on a radiator?

Yeah my bad, I have the aforementioned fans populating my case. Love 'em.

SP120's or NF-F12.