Looking to take some old laptops i have and make them into all in one style systems or use the monitors as externals for my desktop. Does anyone know of any good how to guides on this subject and where i may be able to get the parts i will need (as i know i will need a controller of some kind to do the monitors)?
Thanks ,HF
Here are some builds people have done for All-in-Ones:
- http://www.instructables.com/id/Laptop-to-Desktop-Conversion/
- http://okelectronic.wordpress.com/2012/12/31/diy-old-laptop-to-all-in-one-pc/
As for using the screens for monitors you are correct on needing a controller. You can find a ton of them on ebay, I searched 'laptop screen controller'.
As one last note, older Macbooks with removable batteries will throttle the cpu if they don't have a battery.
no macs just some old asus models and a dell or 2.
That's cool, I hope you'll show them off if you decide to build something with them. I always like seeing mods as having kids eats my time up so I can't do them myself right now.
mhm. If i make anything cool ill be sure to PM you some pictures of it or make a post and PM u a link.