Renew certificate broke IPMI - Supermicro 5018A-FTN4

Hi all,
In the process of importing new SSL certificates from BMC, the IPMI interface stopped displaying the web page. I’ve already performed a BIOS reflash, but I still can’t access the page again. I’m trying to connect using the correct IP; I’ve even changed the IP and can successfully ping it. However, I’ve verified that ports 80 and 443 are closed. I’m not sure how to reset the default configurations at this point.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this situation?

There’s a rudimentary tool on the SM website to reset the password of the BMC. Google should be able to find it for you :slight_smile:

If the controller is not showing a page, then there is nowhere to input the passphrase?

Or, does the process of changing the passphrase, reconfigure the built in web server?

The tool doesn’t use the web interface, but IPMI commands directly. (it’s a Python script, so basically a text file one can read and modify) Using IPMI, one can power cycle the server remotely, but to restart the BMC a simple unplug and re-plugging of the power cord(s) is a much easier way :wink:

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