Remote into R Pi that's using a VPN

What would be the simplest and most secure way to remote into a R Pi from a Win 10 machine? The Win 10 machine is my daily driver and I only utilize the R Pi with a VPN whenever I connect to the internet. Would remoting into it make it less secure coming from a system without a VPN.

I’m new to the networking and security side of things, looking for an entry level answer or resources. Thank you.

I’ve considered Teamviewer or Chrome Remote but I’m not sure if there are issues with either and would prefer to keep the GUI of Raspbian intact if possible

I’m going to assume the you’re using the Desktop version of the Pi OS.

Anyways, there shouldn’t any issue as the VPN should be tunneling all outgoing traffic on the device.

If you plan on using Teamviewer, I would suggest enabling LAN connections and using the LAN ip so you keep that internal.

The LAN connection is a great idea, I didn’t even think to look into that. I’ll research it and try it out. Thanks

Another great option for remote desktop is xrdp, it allows you to use your existing RDP client on your windows machine to connect into the Pi.

Just got around to actually work on some projects including this one. Both desktops are Win 10 Home edition, not Pro, and therefore it does not seem I can use the native remote desktop client

This might work for you. I rarely use it now-a-days because the native RDP client has been something I have access to. I still have NoMachine installed and it usually nags me to update once in a while.