Remote desktop onto a computer with no internet access

You could remote twice.

Connect Infected computer to another computer via a router on it's own IP range.

Connect the other computer to the University network (it would need a second NIC).

Remote into the other computer, then use that computer to remote into the infected computer. As long as the "other" computer doesn't have a way to easily get infected, it should be fine.

I'd put Linux on it just to make it that much more unlikely. Hell, you could even put Linux as the Host OS on the "other" computer, then put Windows as the Guest OS. Then only allow the Guest OS (Windows) to access the infected computer.

So the process would be like this:

  • Remote to Linux other computer.
  • Open Virtual Machine with Windows on it.
  • Remote to infected computer through the VM.

This would adequately keep the infected computer on a separate network. Note you would only allow the second NIC access to the guest. The host shouldn't be able to use it.

It wouldn't really matter. If the uni has any knowlegable techs the conversation will go like this.

j1018: Can i connect this computer to this network and connect this computer to the uni network
tech looks up computer
tech: no, its compromised and your trying to circumvent university policy.

Got to keep in mind the computer is compromised. For me at least, its end of story, any compromised computer I always end up recommending wiping the drive unless its not possible, in that case, its indefinitely isolated.