Remote desktop from android to pc

Hello all. I have some android phones and i was wondering how i would go upon accsessing and using my phones through VNC on my PC. I have VNC server installed on my phone and turn the server on and then use the address on VNC viewer on my PC but after attempting to connect i get this: "vnc viewer timed out waiting for a response from the host computer". Any ideas on how to get around this so i can access my phones on my PC?

IDK if android has a firewall built into the OS but check this out


Try installing this app and opening the ports VNC uses 

You can use Teamviewer. I use it on a daily basis. You can transfer files from your phone to pc and the other way around, you can access your phone from your desktop and vice versa. You can use it local and over the Internet too. It is the best tools out there IMO since you dont need to worry about port fowarding and crap like that.

i tried that but whenever i try to remote in to my device it pops up on my phone and asks if i give it permission to remote in, i click yes, on my pc is says "your partner rejected your connection request".


Also for my use the fact that i would have to interact with my phone to remote in to it destroys the whole concept of remoting in. If i have to go press a button on the phone to remote in i would be better off just using the device when i go to hit the button

ssh works on all linux distros, including android.

chrome remote desktop

airdroid dosent do what i need. I need to be able to control it remotly in a way teamviewer does from pc to pc

The closest I could come up with is configuring a whole Linux distro hooked up into the kernel. But other than that, there's no software solutions other than the AirDroid considered above...

Maybe they'll soon since there's emerging TVs/PCs?

well technically the teamviewer method "works", but i use works very loosely. I only got it to work 2 times, every other times i would hit accept when the popup box would appear yet on my computer i would get a message along the lines of "the client has declined the request"


Even if this did work all the time a big issue for me is the fact i have to accept to it on the phone. I need to be able to remote in to these devices while i am nowhere near the devices

+1 for teamviewer. I have it on all my computers, my phone, my tablet. Its awesome. 

You may try a R-HUB remote support server. It works on MAC, Windows, Android, Unix, Linux etc.